Women's Meeting
We meet fortnightly on Friday mornings in the extension hall at plfc. Our aim is to grow together in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and to seek to encourage and support one another in our walk with Him.

Ladies from a range of ages attend the Women's Meeting and all ladies are very welcome.
Studying God's word is central to our meetings and our studies are led by Suzi Hall or Sue Hall, either teaching directly from God’s word or using video resources. We have over the past year or so studied 1 Peter and used Jen Wilkin’s “Better” MP4 series on Hebrews, currently we are studying the book of Daniel. Studies offer the opportunity for participation from the members.
We worship in song using a mixture of modern and older style Christian songs and have a time of open prayer, where we are able to share items for prayer and praise.
Fun style Bible quizzes are also a popular part of our meetings.

Through our offerings we are able, via Zambesi Mission, to support overseas missionary work amongst the Chiyanjano women’s groups in the Zambesi Evangelical Church of Malawi.
We enjoy a Christmas and Summer Lunch together each year.
We meet throughout the year with a break corresponding to the U.K. schools’ summer holiday.
Meeting times: Friday fortnightly, 10.30am – 12.00noon
For further information and venues please consult the plfc Today weekly notice sheets or contact us.