Pound Lane Free Church

Christianity Explored

If you have any questions about Christianity ..., if you're not sure what you believe ... then this is for you.

Christianity Explored is an internationally run course designed and produced by All Souls Church of England in London and is a superb presentation designed to explain who Jesus is, why He came, and how through Him you can be right with God.

We try to run the course annually and each course lasts 8 weeks. Those attending are given a Bible and Course Study Guide which are theirs to keep whether or not they complete the course. Those attending sit in small groups with any friends that they've brought along.

You can find out more about the course at christianityexplored.org

Our promise to you

If you attend Christianity Explored we promise you that:

  • You WILL NOT be expected to read aloud, pray, or answer any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering
  • You WILL NOT be expected to attend, or pressured into attending, any other course, or to make any other commitment
  • You WILL be given every opportunity to ask any questions and raise any objections that you have
  • You WILL be able to quit the course at any time if you so wish

Next course

Please do contact us to find date of next course (we understand you may decide not to come). If you're interested you can follow us on Facebook for updates, join our events mailing list, or contact us via Email/Facebook.

Trailer video

Christianity Explored Trailer from Christianity Explored on Vimeo.
Please be assured that the video quality we show is much higher than the preview above and is projected on a large screen.