Summer Extravaganza 2025
Details for 2025 will be posted in the new year. Below is what we had for 2024 for your information only.
Looking for online registration? Look no further! Check-in here...
Summer Children's Extravaganza Aug 24th 2024
A fun packed afternoon for all the children!
For some years (including 2013, battling the snow) over 50 children plus parents and grandparents participated in our annual, free to everyone, Children's Easter Celebration.
Two years ago we moved it to the summer and we're sticking with that for this year too!
What's happening?
With the theme of Jonah from the Bible, the whole ground floor of the church premises and the outside rear gardens will be in use for a whole variety of activities for children of all ages. Here are some of the things we did last year:
Bouncy Castle Time for the children (in supervised groups according to age/size) to get some exercise as they bounce, slide and generally enjoy themselves.
Biscuit Decorating (Supervised!) Biscuit decorating by the kids! Having created their masterpieces they will be able to eat them / take them home.

Craft and science Activities Various craft activities demonstrating various aspects of creation.
There will also be....
Snacks and Drinks We won't expect the kids to starve or die of thirst - snacks and drinks will be provided (plus hot drinks for the adults) - all free of charge.
So what's it all about?A short time for pastor Matthew to explain how you can know the God of the Bible.
Take home pack As well as the things that the kids have made, they will also take away with them a free book as their very own present from Pound Lane Free Church.

Get ahead of the queue!
Again we are offering online registration which will avoid any queueing at the entrance. The choice is yours - sign-in at the door as previous years or check-in online.The small print!
- In line with our Child Protection Policy, every child MUST be registered by a parent/carer at reception on arrival, and if possible it would be great if an adult (or more) could stay for the afternoon.
- At registration you will be able to opt out of specific activities if you so wish for any reason. We will also want to know of any allergies etc that may be relevant to the planned activities.
- Please note that photographs taken during the event may be used in future publicity.