Missionary Support
We believe that God's purpose for His church, while on earth, should be to glorify Him and enjoy Him with a particular focus on mission (at home and overseas) in all of its various forms. As a fellowship we therefore have an active interest in supporting a number of missionary societies and full-time Christian workers.
Missionaries and Overseas Workers
- Pearson Solongwe - a fulltime Bible student at the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi
- Connex and Synolia Ijalasi. Malawian nationals - Connex (former General Secretary of the Zambesi Evangelical Church of Malawi) heads-up J-Life Malawi
- Suvarthamma Yesupadam works as a women's worker in Porata Nagar, India for Metropolitan Mission and is financed by plfc
- Dan and Rachel Hulley and their children working in Papua New Guinea amongst the Wahgi people with New Tribes Mission
- ZM (supporting the work of the ZEC church of Malawi)
- Kerusso Trust. A small mission based in Scotland that works in partnership with J-Life Malawi (Connex Ijalasi)
- The Leprosy Mission (ministering to people living with the effects of leprosy)
- Metropolitan Mission (an Indian run mission working in Andhrea Pradesh - preaching the gospel, establishing churches, and homing orphans)
- NTM (mission with whom Dan and Rachel Hulley are working)
- Roger Carswell - Association of Evangelists (fulltime evangelist in the UK and overseas)