Pound Lane Free Church

Upcoming events

Don't miss out on special upcoming events. Follow us on Facebook or join our events mailing list for a few announcements a year.

Such announcements will include our yearly Easter Extravaganza, Christianity Explored courses and Christmas Candlelit Carol service.

We greatly respect your privacy. We will never use your email address for any other purpose and you can unsubscribe at any time.

You can subscribe to our calendar to see all upcoming events on your device.

March 2025
Sunday 2nd10:30 - 11:45AMHow much faith is enough?
Messages given by Matthew Brabbs
Sunday 2nd6:30 - 7:30PMIt is not as though the word of God has failed
May the Lord establish His Word
Sunday 9th10:30 - 11:45AM“Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
Things Jesus said
Sunday 9th6:30 - 7:30PMTo the glory of God
Songs to live and songs to sing
Sunday 16th10:30 - 11:45AMGet ready for God
To Seek and to Save the Lost
Sunday 16th6:30 - 7:30PMGreater than Angels
Striving for Rest
Sunday 23rd10:30 - 12:15PM"Son, your sins are forgiven."
Things Jesus said
Sunday 23rd6:30 - 7:30PMLife changes but God doesn't
Songs to live and songs to sing
Sunday 30th10:30 - 12:15PMProve it!
To Seek and to Save the Lost
April 2025
Sunday 6th10:30 - 11:45AMChoose Life
Striving for Rest
Sunday 6th6:30 - 7:30PM
Sunday 13th10:30 - 12:15PM